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Jim Schneider, President

I am honored to have been chosen as the club's President, and have supported this club by not only participating in its activities and providing/counseling, but in supporting the members in the care of their vehicles. I hope to continue to lend support to this club by sharing information, promoting the membership, and updating the club on numerous topics as they relate to the car hobby we all hold so dear. For questions, I can be reached at:

Home Phone: 314-409-6624



Sharon Mercer, Treasurer

My husband Al and I are long-time members/officers of this club, and are looking forward to serving in this position.  We own a 1922 Mercer that my husband Al and I have built from the ground up (a Senior Grand National Champion) that we look forward to taking on tours. Membership is growing, and the quality of our new members is top notch. Join us!

Home phone: 636-928-8672


Mark Linder, Vice President

This is a club that I value for multiple reasons. Great cars, great friends, TONS of valuable information to be shared regularly, charitable causes, so needed in today's world, positive/fun activities at both the national and local levels, a club that listens and cares about each other and others

...and the list goes on! Having served in the positions of club officers for several years, I can personally attest to the quality of the people in this club. If it's true that a club is only as good as its members, then that is a mountain we'll not need to climb! Our newest members are simply "the best." If you're interested, I can be reached at:

Home phone: 618-567-3161


Shelley Schneider, Secretary

My husband, Jim, and I are longtime members of the Gateway City Car Club, St. Louis Region. We joined the club soon after moving to the St. Louis area in 1999, and it was a great decision because it provided us with instant friendships. I love this club because of the variety of people and cars. It’s an honor to serve as secretary for this club. Email is the easiest way to reach me:

Webmaster/communications director/newsletter editor: Glenda Linder,  email:

Phone:  618-558-5093


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